iPhone Developer Tipps 02.05.09
02.05.09 17:34 Abgelegt in: Developer Tipps
angekündete Bücher:
- Objective-C und Cocoa - Band 2 (Negm-Awad)
- iPhone Development SDK (Dudney)
- Core Animation (Dudney)
- Einstieg in Objective-C und Cocoa (Surendorf)
- iPhone OS Webentwicklung (Lobacher)
- Das iPhone-Entwicklerbuch (Sadun)
- neuer Entwicklerkurs: iPhone Development Training
- professionelle Programmierkurse bei Big Nerd Ranch
- iPhone Tech Talk World Tour Videos von Apple (Account erforderlich)
- iPhone Entwicklerforum
- How To Make iPhone Apps Tutorial #1
- VixML: App-Baukasten für Designer
- 3 interessante Präsentationen: iPhone vs. Android, SDK & Co.
- An Introduction to the SQLite C/C++ Interface
- Lawyer quits his day job to write iPhone apps
- iPhone app makers become acquisition targets
- Some iPhone Developers Claim They Can’t Get Paid
- Mobile Advertising with AdMob
- Objective-C und Cocoa - Band 2 (Negm-Awad)
- iPhone Development SDK (Dudney)
- Core Animation (Dudney)
- Einstieg in Objective-C und Cocoa (Surendorf)
- iPhone OS Webentwicklung (Lobacher)
- Das iPhone-Entwicklerbuch (Sadun)
- neuer Entwicklerkurs: iPhone Development Training
- professionelle Programmierkurse bei Big Nerd Ranch
- iPhone Tech Talk World Tour Videos von Apple (Account erforderlich)
- iPhone Entwicklerforum
- How To Make iPhone Apps Tutorial #1
- VixML: App-Baukasten für Designer
- 3 interessante Präsentationen: iPhone vs. Android, SDK & Co.
- An Introduction to the SQLite C/C++ Interface
- Lawyer quits his day job to write iPhone apps
- iPhone app makers become acquisition targets
- Some iPhone Developers Claim They Can’t Get Paid
- Mobile Advertising with AdMob